LEVEL-UP: Foundations & Practice for Organizations
The perfect foundational course for organizations at the start of their diversity, equity, and inclusion learning journey. Contact us to learn more.
Course Information
Learning and Resource Guides
eLearning Platform Demo Video
Hello From Feminuity! [Video]
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction [Video]
FREE PREVIEWSelf Assessment [Platform]
Self Assessment [Platform]
Lesson 1: Land Acknowledgements and Reconciliation [Video]
FREE PREVIEWActivity: Land Acknowledgements and Reconciliation [Learning Guide]
FREE PREVIEWLesson 2: Building on Diversity in the Workplace [Video]
Activity: Intention Setting [Learning Guide]
Introduction [Video]
Lesson 1: Key Definitions [Video]
Quiz: Check Your Understanding [Platform]
Introduction [Video]
Activity: My Network [Video & Learning Guide]
Lesson 1: Introduction to Bias [Video]
Lesson 2: Common Gender Biases [Video]
Lesson 3: How We Think [External Video]
Lesson 4: Mental Shortcuts and Stereotypes [Video]
Common Stereotypes Instructions [Platform]
Common Stereotypes Activity [Platform]
Activity: Common Stereotypes Reflection [Learning Guide]
Lesson 5: My Stereotypical Life [Video]
Activity: My Stereotypical Life [Learning Guide]
Lesson 6: My Stereotypical Life Debrief [Video]
Introduction [Video]
Lesson 1 & Activity: My Identities [Video & Learning Guide]
Lesson 2: Privilege, Power, and Oppression [Video]
Activity: Privilege and Power [Learning Guide]
Activity: Privilege and Power Debrief [Video & Learning Guide]
Activity: Me, Myself, and I [Learning Guide]
Lesson 3: Intersectionality [Video]
Lesson 4: Intersectionality [External Video]
Quiz: Check Your Understanding [Platform]
Introduction [Video]
Lesson 1: Allyship Part 1 [External Video]
Lesson 2: Allyship Part 2 [Video]
Activity: Solidarity [Video & Learning Guide]
Lesson 4: Anatomy of An Apology [Video]
Activity: Anatomy of an Apology [Learning Guide]
Lesson 5: Calling In vs. Calling Out [Video]
Lesson 6: Language 101 [Video]
Activity: Name Story [Video & Learning Guide]
Lesson 7: Pronouns [Video]
Activity: Allyship Practice [Learning Guide]
Allyship Practice Debrief [Video]
Quiz: Check Your Understanding [Platform]